Nature Heroes

A number of years ago, Múinteoir Tina set up a school garden in our school grounds. As a result of many, many hours of hard work the school now has two raised beds which are cared for by the pupils and teachers and numerours fruit trees have also been planted around the school grounds.
Under the guidance of Múinteoir Tina the children and teachers from all classes have learnt how to plant fruit, vegetables and flowers and the school garden is part of the Geography and Science Curriculum for all pupils from first to sixth class.
First, second, third and sixth classes are assigned one of the raised beds each year. Each class is responsible for taking care of their own raised bed (planting, watering, weeding etc.)
It is hoped that each year the classes will grow onions, broad beans and carrots, sunflowers and lupins. In addition to the beds some classes will grow potatoes in grow bags.
We are hoping to get a compost bin from our waste management company and each classroom can have its own compost bin which will be emptied into the large compost bins in the garden and this compost can be used to nourish the raised beds. Water is taken from the water butt on the school grounds to water the beds.
With the help of the Men’s Shed in Cashel we have some bat boxes. We also have a bug hotel and during the winter months the classes make bird feeders out of toilet roll inserts and peanut butter.
The children thoroughly enjoy their time in the garden and are learning so much.
Scoil San Isadóir,
Boherlahan, Cashel,
Tel. (0504) 41184